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1 .  I was grilling some meat and I caught my hand on the grill and ____________________ it quite badly .
2 . I was jogging and I ____________________ over a rock and hurt my knee really badly .
3 . I was out riding and the horse got scared by a bang and I ____________________ the horse and broke my collarbone .
4 . I was walking down the street and this dog suddenly attacked me and ____________________ me on the leg .
5 .  I had some food at a street market and I think I got food ____________________ from there . It was awful .
6 . I spent the whole day on the beach and ended up with terrible ____________________ .
7 .  It was really hot on the underground and I felt dizzy and then just ____________________ .
8 .  I broke my arm when I ____________________ on some ice .
9 .  This bee ____________________ me on the arm and my whole arm swelled up .