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1. Done
the Ipast Iverb Iof IDo Ithe Iparticiple IIs
2. Undertsood
of PPast PParticiple PUnderstand Pverb Pthe
3. Arrived
of Pverb PPast PArrive PParticiple Pthe
4. Written
verb PWrite Pof Pthe PParticiple PPast
5. Played
Play Pof PParticiple Pthe Pverb PPast
6. Bought
Participle PBuy Pof Pthe PPast Pverb
7. Caught
Catch PPast Pverb Pthe Pof PParticiple
8. Swum
Participle PPast Pthe Pof Pverb PSwim
9. Read
Past PParticiple Pof Pthe PRead Pverb