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George ____________________ ( read ) a report on the web today about a group of people who ____________________ ( say ) they ____________________ ( have ) contact with aliens . One man ____________________ ( tell ) his story like this : " One night I ____________________ ( see ) a bright light in the sky . It was red and then orange . Then a long line of light ____________________ ( come ) down and ____________________ ( stop ) just in front of me . There were steps in the light and I ____________________ ( go ) up them . At the top , there was a door , it ____________________ ( be ) very small . I ____________________ ( sit ) down on the step and ____________________ ( look ) through the door . I ____________________ ( see ) a big computer screen . On the screen , there ____________________ ( be ) a road , just like the road where I ____________________ ( live ) . There was a bright line of light going down to the road .