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Some celebrities exhibit destructive behavior, like illegal drug use, but people don't think it's deviant behavior due to the celebrity's _____ .

Politicians have lots of _____ , which allows them create & enforce laws, which in turn allows them to construct various forms of social control.

One sociologist believes that America despises people who are overweight, & that America discriminates against them in a way that reminds her of ___

If the norm is earning a 70% on a quiz, and you study all night to earn a perfect grade, this is _____ , where you conform way too much.

If the norm is taking a bath everyday, and you bathe once a week, this is an example of ____ , because you did not meet overall norm.

We implement ____ with jail time and polite language, usually because internal social control has failed.

Charging interest on loans was outlawed in Medieval times, but now banks charge interest routinely, proving that deviance is _____ .

We are content when we know what to expect, during our social interactions, which is why we use _____ to make sure everyone conforms to the rules.

There are no norms against eating beef in America, but in India eating beef is taboo, showing that deviance is a matter of _____ .

We know _____ has occurred when people refuse to take money from an open locker (though no one is looking) because taking someone's money is immoral.

When asked to identify deviant behavior, people responded with painters, poker players, religious leaders, politicians, _____ , and republicans.

_____ can lead to internal social control, where we refuse to hit others when we are angry, because we believe that hitting others is immoral.

In America, people say hello when they meet. So if someone says goodbye when they meet, this would be deviant behavior, because it departs from _____

High-fives and screaming are two forms of _____ sanctions, which can be used by anyone to encourage others to follow the norms.

If the norm is bathing once a day, and you wear a ton of perfume instead, you are expressing negative deviance because you _____ the accepted norm.

One sociologist believes that Americans consider _____ to be deviant, based on her wearing an outfit that made her look big-boned.

Sociologists consider homicide to be deviance because it breaks a ____ norm, i.e. a norm that is crucial to the majority of Americans.

Regarding a person's body mass, most people land _____ , despite the positive deviants with bulimia, & the negative deviants with excess weight.

Sometimes, negative & positive deviance are just as harmful to people, such as when an advertisement encourages females to be _____ .

The definition of _____ includes socially-destructive behaviors like deception, but also includes law-breaking behaviors like stealing and killing.