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Are generally defined as disorders that greatly affect the child’s ability to read, write, speak, and understand.
A child with this disorder has difficulty moving his/her lips and tongue, even if his/her facial muscles are not weak.
This disorder happens if the face, lips, tongue, throat, and other muscles for breathing are weak. This occurs when the muscles weaken due to brain damage.
This disorder affects the growth and development of the muscles in the mouth.
This disorder can be detected if the child already reaches the age of 4 because a child may have difficlty learning x, z, v, or th.
Any person cannot speak smoothly without “uh”, “ohm”, or “you know”. Sometimes we may also repeat the words or sentences we say. Medical experts call these “disfluencies”
A child between 3 to 5 years old may have difficulty following instructions and understanding questions. He/she may have difficulty learning new words and sentences or he/she may experience both.
A child may experience problems in writing, reading, and spelling. One of the most common disabilities which may affect a child is dyslexia (a reading problem).
selectively talks at selected times and places. For instance, a child talks at home but never talks at all when at school or vice versa even how hard someone tries to talk to him/her.
The child is slowly introduced to persons which he/she trusts talking with.
The child is rewarded every time he/she communicates or talks to friends, teachers, or relatives.
- The child may watch his/her own videos talking in a comfortable situation.
a “group of developmental abilities characterized by impairments in social interaction and communication and repetitive/restricted behavior.”
“any kind of non-correctable vision loss, whether it is complete blindness or partial vision loss”
“a problem with damage to one or more parts of the ear.”
This is caused by problems with the outer, Middle ear, the ear canal, eardrum, or ossicles. There is also a blockage or structural problem with the ear making the sound seems quieter.
This is a result of a damaged inner ear or the auditory nerve. A person who has this impairment cannot hear clearly, understand speech, and interpret sounds. This hearing loss is Permanent.
- This hearing loss occurs when a person has both conductive and sensorineural hearing impairment.
This impairment happens when the cochlea is working properly, some parts of the brain are not.
This is not a hearing loss but a person who has this can easily hear well in a quiet environment.
generally refers to someone’s limitation to perform basic physical activities (holding, walking, climbing, lifting, carrying, etc.).
This disease is the abnormal fragility of the bones. Children who suffer from this disease are prone to accidents. They also have difficulty moving the parts of their bodies. (Minor, 2006).
- This is a complicated condition that affects movement and posture due to damage to a part of the brain that controls movement.
This is a neuromuscular condition characterized by deterioration and wasting of muscle fibers. The child at birth may be normal but as the years pass, the muscle growth strength starts to deteriorate (Leslie, n.d.).
This is a defect due to incomplete formation of the spine and spinal cord. Children who suffer from this may suffer from paralysis or weakening of legs, deformities of the spine, and learning difficulties (Aruma, n.d.).
- This is a “debilitating, life-shortening, degenerative neuro-muscular disorder.” People who suffer from this may experience loss of coordination in arms and legs, fatigue, visual impairment, hearing loss, slurred speech, aggressive scoliosis, diabetes, and serious heart
once termed as Mental Retardation, is characterized by poor or below average intellectual capacity towards communicating, learning. Thinking, and communicating.
not synonymous with intellectual disability. It just happens that they have difficulties organizing information in their brains.
This is the most common learning disability.
This is a disability where a child’s ability to understand and solve math concepts are affected. Children with this disability cannot remember mathematical processes, formulas, and equations.
- This disability limits the capacity of the child to form letters and write within a defined space.
These are sensory disabilities that limit the capacity, of a child to understand the language even though he/she has a normal hearing and vision.
These are disabilities that make the child unable to recognize and translate verbal cues such as gestures, facial expressions, and tone of voice.
a mental disorder that affects one’s capacity to pay attention and behave.
child may not pay attention, may not follow instructions, may tend to forget daily routines, may not want to stay in one place, may often lose things, and may tend to daydream.
child may fidget and talks a lot, may not want to be seated, may not play quietly, may always want to move, may have difficulty waiting for their turn, and may often interrupt others.
This is a combination of inattentive and hyperactive- impulsive.
“with advanced ability to use language, solve math problems, or understand science concepts, or children who are especially creative and seem to be able to make connections between ideas that are not obviously related.”