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In the United States , people are ____________________ to ____________________ drive a car

at the age of 16 . Many people see getting a ____________________ ? s ____________________ at

the age of 16 as an important part of growing up and gaining

independence . However , I believe that raising the legal age for

driving to 21 would make our ____________________ ____________________ .

First , ____________________ ____________________ do not have enough experience in life to
take the ____________________ of driving ____________________ . Young drivers are often
not ____________________ enough to understand how serious the ____________________
are for improperly operating such a ____________________ machine . For example ,
drivers between the ages of 16 and 20 make up only 3% of the
driving population , but they make up 33% of the people convicted
of crimes related to dangerous driving . ____________________ , young people
are more likely to make other bad ____________________ , like driving under
the influence of alcohol or ____________________ in street racing with their
friends . In ____________________ , by the time they are 21 , most people have
years of life experience that result in more mature and responsible
____________________ .
Second , the ____________________ ____________________ is still ____________________ and may not

be ____________________ of operating a vehicle as safely as a 21 year old .
For instance , the Department of ____________________ ____________________ estimates that driving ____________________ thousands of decisions every minute to make sure that the
car is in the right ____________________ , at the right speed , and fully in control .
The developing brain may not be able to ____________________ make all of
the decisions needed to remain safe . ____________________ , there are several
other ____________________ that we do not trust young adults to participate in .
For instance , people ____________________ be 18 years old to vote , marry , join the
military , and smoke ____________________ . In addition , people must be 21 before
they are legally ____________________ to consume alcohol . If we restrict young
adults from participating in these ____________________ , it makes sense that we
would also ____________________ people under the age of 21 from operating a
____________________ ____________________ car on public ____________________ .

In ____________________ , raising the ____________________ ____________________ for driving to 21 would make
our society safer .
Young drivers are not ____________________ enough to take the ____________________ of operating a car ____________________ . In addition , the brain of a young adult may not be ____________________ enough to operate a vehicle as
safely as a 21 year old . ____________________ , it is the ____________________ of society to protect the
lives and ____________________ of all ____________________ by raising the legal driving age to 21 .