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How can we ____________________ our ____________________ ? Let ? s see !
Water is amazing . We need it to live and we use it in our homes ____________________ ____________________ to have ____________________ , flush the toilet , ____________________ our clothes in the washing machineand wash our dishes in the dishwasher .
But we can only use a tiny amount of the water on our planet , and a lot of our water is becoming very polluted , so we must be very careful with the water we have .
We mustn ? t ____________________ water and we must keep our ____________________ clean !
At the ____________________ , there ? s a lot of tiny pieces of ____________________ in our oceans . They ? re called ____________________ . Scientists like Winnie study microplastics . They know that microplastics make our water dirtyand they are very bad for the animals in the ocean .
Larger plastics can get tangled around animals , but it ? s these small plastics , the microplastics , that are really a problem . As they ? re so small , they can get eaten by such a wide range of animals .
Jerome is a ____________________ , too . He studies ____________________ ____________________ in the ocean in the Seychelles . Today , he ? s having a video call with three boys and girls in London . They ? re asking Jerome lots of questions about the plastic in our oceans .
What did they find out ?
The plastic in the sea , it ? s polluting the sea and it ? s . . . It ? s causing a lot of ____________________ in our ____________________ .
I think we should recycle and think a bit more when using plastic and recyclingand . . . um . . . where it actually goes .
It ? s quite sad because in the future there ? s probably no fish . There ? s probably not going to be any fish in the ocean , and the ____________________ won ? t even know what fish are .
Wow ! So , we really must look after our oceans !
What do you ____________________ to ____________________ water ?