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Being empathetic has its good and bad sides . Let's start with the good stuff . When you're empathetic , you're good at ____________________ how others feel . This helps you make a strong connection with people because they know you get them . It's like having a secret code to bond with others . Plus , being empathetic makes ____________________ easier . You work well with others because you understand their feelings and can work together smoothly .

But , there's a flip side to this empathy coin . Sometimes , you might feel burnout . This means you're super tired because you've been helping others too much . And watch out for ____________________ . It's when you start picking favorites because you like some people more than others . That's not fair !

Another downside is ____________________ . Being empathetic can make you feel weak because you care a lot about others . It's like wearing your heart on your sleeve , and sometimes that can hurt .

So , being empathetic is awesome for making ____________________ and working with others , but it's important to watch out for ____________________ , bias , and vulnerability along the way .