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1 . I ? m so surprised that Hermione and Gavin have ____________________ up ? they seemed to be the perfect couple .
2 . We ? ve got guests coming for the weekend , so we need to tidy up the mess in the sitting room .
3 . I hope the two bones I broke in my foot ____________________ up soon so I can drive again .
4 . I wish Brad would ____________________ up a bit ? I can ? t hear anything he says .
5 . At the end of an essay , you should ____________________ up the main points of your argument .
6 . Please don ? t ____________________ up all the paper ? I need some to print off a document .
7 . Brian asked me to ____________________ up to the meeting room quickly .
8 . I ? ve nearly finished the gardening , I ? ve just got to ____________________ up those last two plants .