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Jouer Ordonner les Mots
1. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letters. 👉🏻 Use COULD
alcoholic 🍾 drinks My could a cousin drink. lot
2. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letters. 👉🏻 Use COULD
My brother couldn't play little day 🎮 all. videogames
3. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letters. 👉🏻 Use BE ABLE TO
Jonás able to from a plane wasn't 🛬. skydive
4. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letters. 👉🏻 Use BE ABLE TO
able grandpa to My kilometers was 🏃🏻‍♂️ many. run