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1. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letter. 👉🏻 How do they feel? 🤔
are de They Salar Uyuni amazed 🤩 visiting. by
2. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letter. 👉🏻 Something else causes a feeling 🤔
amazing is Mountain Illimani. 😮
3. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letter. 👉🏻 How does Maria feel? 🤔
to due is Aymara's confused an she Maria had 🤔. exam
4. 👀 Look at the picture and put in order the letter. 👉🏻 Something else causes a feeling 🤔
The 🤯 confusing seems. is Everything strange map. so