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____________________ Monday , I wake up ____________________ everyone ____________________ the morning . ____________________ 8 o'clock , I have breakfast with my family . ____________________ the afternoon , I go to school and study until 3 p . m . After school , I play with my friends ____________________ 1 P . M . ____________________ dinner time . ____________________ night , I watch TV with my parents ____________________ i go to bed ____________________ 10 p . m .
Every morning , I go for a walk with my dog ____________________ breakfast . ____________________ the day , I have classes at the university . ____________________ the evening , I meet my friends for dinner ____________________ 7 o'clock . ____________________ dinner , we usually go to the movies or simply hang out together . ____________________ midnight , I go back home and sleep .
____________________ weekdays , I wake up ____________________ 6 : 30 a . m . and get ready for school . Classes start ____________________ 8 a . m . and finish ____________________ 3 p . m . ____________________ school , I do my homework or play video games with my brother . ____________________ the evening , we have dinner together as a family and then I go to bed ____________________ 9 p . m .
____________________ the week , I work ____________________ 9 a . m . ____________________ 5 p . m . ____________________ weekends , I like to sleep in and wake up around 9 a . m . Then , I have a leisurely breakfast and go for a walk in the park . ____________________ the afternoon , I might meet friends for coffee or do some shopping . ____________________ the evening , I cook dinner at home and watch movies ____________________ going to bed .
I work ____________________ Monday ____________________ Friday . I start work ____________________ 9 a . m . ____________________ Mondays , I have a meeting with my team ____________________ 10 a . m . ____________________ the meeting , I check my emails and make phone calls until lunchtime . ____________________ 1 p . m . , I have lunch with my colleagues in the cafeteria . ____________________ the afternoon , I continue with my tasks until 5 p . m .
____________________ Tuesdays and Thursdays , I have training sessions ____________________ 11 a . m . I finish work at the same time , 5 p . m . On Wednesdays , I leave work early ____________________ 3 p . m . to attend a class . Fridays are my favorite days because I finish work ____________________ 4 p . m . ____________________ work , I usually go to the gym or meet friends for dinner . Overall , I enjoy my work routine .