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a ) The Lancastrians and the Yorkists were the two ____________________ houses for the English throne in the Wars of the Roses . b ) The Norsemen landed in Scotland with the intention of ____________________ and settling in the country . c ) As they arrived late in the day , ____________________ and tired after a long march , they pitched their camp and rested , not expecting the enemy before the next day . d ) They intended to take the Scots by surprise and ____________________ them in their sleep . e ) One of the Norsemen stepped on a ____________________ . f ) The sudden and sharp pain he felt caused him to ____________________ . g ) There is ____________________ evidence that the Welshmen wore ____________________ on St . David's Day in Shakespeare's time . i ) An equally ____________________ observance on St . Patric's day is wearing the shamrock , the ____________________ aspect of the Irish loyalty to their patron saint .