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Trophic level





Animals that eat both plants and animals.

Animals that eat only plants.

The energy role of an organism, shown by its position in a food chain/web.

In a food chain/web, they are organisms that are able to obtain energy from a non-living source such as the Sun or deep-sea volcanic vents.

In a food chain/web, they are organisms that break down waste and dead organisms into life-essential elements/compounds, which are returned to nature.

Animals that eat other animals that they have killed and/or dead animals they find.

In a food chain/web, they are organisms that cannot make their own food. Thus, they obtain their food by eating producers or other animals.

Animals that eat the bodies of already dead animals.

Food chain

Food web





A symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit from the relationship.

A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits while the other species is not affected positively or negatively.

A close relationship between different species that benefits at least one of the species in the relationship.

A more complete diagram of the energy flow/predator-prey relationships within an ecosystem. It shows various overlapping food chains in one diagram.

A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits while the other is harmed.

A description of one particular sequence of feeding events (organisms eating one another). It shows only one possibility of food source.