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1 Ancient Greek who argued that the earth and planets revolved around the sun (heliocentric view of the universe. p.523)
2 Kepler's (ca 1600) first law of planetary motion is that the planets move in __________ and not circular orbits. (p. 524)
3 Ancient Greek, rediscovered in the Renaissance, who argued that the natural world works through mechanical forces like a great machine that can be described in mathematical terms. (p.521)
5 The Early Modern Philosopher, Descartes (ca 1630) sought to explain everything in nature, including the human body in ________________ terms. (p. 534)
6 First Early Modern thinker, ca 1500, from Poland who advanced the heliocentric view of the universe. (pp.523-4)
7 "I think, therefore, I am." (p. 534)
8 Method of reasoning, favored by Bacon, that starts with data collected from observation and experiment and then proceeds to appropriate explanations. (p. 531)
9 This method of reason, described by Descartes, starts from an idea with a high degree of certainty and builds a logical system of connections with other certain ideas. (p. 534)
10 We now know that the Earth spins on its axis ____________ miles per hour. (p. 524)
11 The Early Modern European Empire with capitol in Vienna that loosely held together nearly 300 semi-independent territories that had once been united to defend the papacy in what was called "the Holy Roman Empire. " (p.507)
12 Galileo's theory that an object's motion stays the same till some external force acts upon it. (p. 530)
13 When Galileo using his telescope observed the motion of the moons of this planet, he deduced that the earth was not at the center of the orbits of all planetary objects. (p. 526)
14 Early Modern philosopher ca 1650) who applied geometry to ethics and argued that the universe is composed of a single substance that is both God and matter. (p. 534)
15 Greek during the time of the Roman Empire (ca 150 AD) who popularized the view of Aristotle that the sun and planets revolved around the earth (which did not move). (geocentric view of the universe, p. 522-3)
16 The "Sun King." (use Arabic numbers, p.493)
17 King who tried to return England to Catholicism and was driven into exile in France in 1688 in what was called "the Glorious Revolution" (also "the Bloodless Revolution." p.502)
18 He rediscovered and advanced the ideas of the ancient Greek Erasistratus (ca 275 BC) that the heart pumps blood through the veins and arteries. Dissecting live animals (vivisection) he is credited with discovering the circulatory system. (p.534)
19 Political faction in British Parliament that supported Protestantism and Parliament in opposition to those who supported an absolute monarch and Catholicism. (p. 502)
20 Spent 20 years in an observatory in a castle on an island (ca 1570) keeping detailed notes on the movements of the stars, planets and other astronomical phenomena. (p. 524-5)
21 British political philosopher ca 1690 who argued for a limited government that was brought about by a contract to protect "natural rights" of life, liberty and property of the individual citizens. Should the government violate the terms of the contract, citizens had the right to dissolve it and create a new government. (p.504)
22 In the teaching of Aristotle and Ptolemy, the stars and planets in the heavens were made of a perfect, pure substance called ___________. (p.523)
23 "Knowledge is power."
24 After he was condemned for supporting the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, Galileo famously said, "And yet, it moves." What was he talking about? (p. 530)
25 By 1750, slave plantations in this French colony were producing 40 percent of the world's sugar and 50 percent of the world's coffee. (p.499)
26 Peasants that were treated as the property of landlords, mostly throughout Russia and Eastern Europe. (p. 513)
27 Early Modern Chemist (ca 1650) who discovered the law that gases (at constant temperature) decrease their volume in proportion to the pressure exerted upon them by external force. (p.534)
28 Kepler's second law of planetary motion is that the _______ of a planet varies in proportion to its distance from the sun. (p 524)
29 By 1713, this once great power would be known as "The Sick Man of Europe." (p.506-7)
30 This planet gave Aristotle/Ptolemy's theory of heavenly objects problems because instead of moving in a perfect circular orbit, it seemed to loop back upon itself sometimes. (p. 523)