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1 Powerful king of Sweden who rescued the German Lutheran Princes in the 30-Years War. (2 words, p.471)
2 He founded the religious order of the Jesuits as "soldiers" of the pope and missionaries for the Catholic faith. (p.448)
3 The theologian of Reformed branch of Protestantism (different from Lutheranism and Catholicism) John Calvin insisted on the enforcement of a strict morality among Christians and the key idea that all determinations concerned who is saved and who is damned were _______________ by God way back at the beginning of time. (p.436)
4 The pope authorized agents to sell the surplus merit (or holiness, or forgiveness) earned by monks and saints to common people in Germany through these forms of spiritual bank checks. (p.426)
5 This radical Protestant group (that started in Zurich, Switzerland originally as pacifists) denied that the sacrament of Baptism conferred any actual grace claiming it merely served as a confirmation of a faith already achieved by adult believers. (p.435)
6 The brand new university on the frontier territory of Saxony where Luther taught theology. (p.425)
7 French Calvinists (a significant--wealthy minority mostly in Southern France). (p.463)
8 High ranking Catholic clergyman (cardinal) who acted as minister of state for the young Louis 13. He centralized and strengthened the royal bureaucracy paving the way for the most powerful kings Europe ever knew. (He justified his extreme measures using the broadened Machiavellian principle of "reasons of state" (raison d'etat, p. 473)
9 German territorial prince (of Saxony) who protected Luther. (name only not number, p.424)
10 The Holy Roman Emperor who presided at Luther's heresy trial in 1520 was _______. (Use Arabic number, p. 430)
11 Luther was kidnapped from his heresy trial and brought to this castle for a year--he dressed as a gardener named "George" and translated the New Testament into German during this year of hiding. (p.432)
12 He led the Puritan independents that formed the New Model Army that tried and beheaded Charles 1, the King of England ca 1650. (p.476)
13 Luther vehemently opposed this Protestant Reformer from Zurich, Switzerland who taught that the Eucharist conferred no grace at all but was simply a "reminder" of Christ's death. (p.435)
15 He wrote the "Book of Common Prayer" which to this day guides the worship of the Church of England. (p.443)
17 Armed peasants embracing the Radical Protestant teaching that came out of Zurich, Switzerland, seized this rich German city, declared it the "New Jerusalem" and redistributed wealth like the early Jewish-Christians under the Apostle James awaiting the end of the world. They were captured by Catholic forces and put to death by torture in iron cages that still hang from the cathedral in this city. (p.435)
18 In 1531, he created the Church of England with himself its "protector and only supreme head" (p.441, Arabic numbers)
19 "The heart has its reasons of which reason itself knows nothing." (p.481)
20 Henry 4 (Navarre), the first Bourbon (Protestant family converted to Catholic) king of France granted a measure of toleration to Protestants in France by an Edict in this city. (p.464)
21 Political philosopher who argued for absolute power of the state, because human beings without strong restraint would live lives that would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." (p. 482)
23 John Calvin tried to turn this city into a "theocracy"-- a religious state wherein the town council (which was also the Church council) made and enforced all the laws of the city. They insisted on Calvin's strict moral behavior (no dancing, card playing, theater, working on the Sabbath day, no stain-glass or ornamentation in Churches, no eating without saying grace, etc...). (p.437)
24 Approximately how many million slaves were rounded up to be sent to the Americas from 1500 to 1700 AD. (p.457)
25 Dominican friar who sold the Papal bank checks granting forgiveness of certain quantities of sin in Luther's community. (p.427)
26 The Catholic Church enacted its own "Counter-Reformation" through a council of bishops held in this city. (p.446)
27 Luther radicalized Saint Paul's teaching that the righteous or "just" are made so by faith (or trust). He added the Latin word "solo" to his translation of Saint Paul's "Letter to the Romans" 1:17 to emphasize his point. (p.425)
28 In 1520, Pope Leo 10 summoned Luther to be tried for his teaching before the papal inquisition in this city. (p.430)
29 Henry 8's daughter who tried to return the Church of England to the Catholic faith and the authority of the Pope. (p.443)
30 Reformed Protestant theologian who brought the teaching of Calvin to Scotland where it became the state religion known as "Presbyterianism." (p.437)