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Left ventricule

Diastole refers to...

Right Atrium

Systole refers to...

Left atrium

Right ventricule

Pulmonary (minor) circulation consists of...

Systemic (major) circulation consists of...

It recieves underoxygenated blood from the cells of the body and pumps it to the right ventricule.

Recieves the oxygenated blood coming from the lungs and it later pumps the blood to the left ventricule.

Recieves blood from the left atrium and it pumps it to the rest of the body.

Blood low in oxygen arrives to the right atrium, then passes to the right ventricule that pumps it to the lungs. Finally, blood returns to the heart.

The heart contractions while pumping blood.

It recieves blood from the right atrium and it pumps it to the lungs.

The lungs send blood rich in oxygen to the left atrium, then it passes to the left ventricule and pumps it to the different body systems and cells.

When the heart relaxes after contractions.