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Companies put ____________________ everywhere . They ? re all around you ? on TV and ____________________ , in newspapers , in magazines , and on the ____________________ . They ? re even on ____________________ along the side of the road .
Why ____________________ they there ? That ? s simple ! Companies want you to ____________________ things , and ____________________ makes you want to buy those things . ____________________ ? Advertisements tell you that a product is going to make you ____________________ or more ____________________ .
They even tell you the ____________________ is going to make you look more ____________________ , older , or ____________________ . Usually these messages aren ? t true . The company just wants your ____________________ !
When companies are making an ____________________ , they think : ? Who ? s going to buy this ____________________ ? What do they like ? What do they want to see or hear ? ? They use the answers to make the advertisement . There are four special tools that ____________________ often use . Watch out for them !
A character or ____________________ can help to sell ____________________ . Advertisers put them on boxes of ____________________ and children ? s food . Children see the characters , and they ____________________ to buy that cereal or food .
____________________ people can also help to sell a product . When a famous person uses a product , we want to use it , too . For ____________________ , famous athletes can sell sneakers , and famous actors can sell coffee , perfume , and beauty products .
Slogans and ____________________ are a great way to sell . These are ____________________ or tunes that you remember all day . In fact , you can ? t forget them ! When you see a ____________________ , you think of that tune or slogan .
Bright ____________________ and interesting images catch your ____________________ and sell things , too .