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How People Behave When Using Transportation Systems

Here's a brief description of how people typically behave when using each of these transportation systems :

____________________ :
* Passengers on the ____________________ tend to be focused on their own activities , such as reading , listening to music , or using their smartphones .
* They often stand or sit quietly , avoiding loud conversations or disturbances to maintain a respectful atmosphere .
* During peak hours , ____________________ can be crowded , leading to close proximity between passengers , who generally try to respect personal space while navigating the crowded platforms and train cars .

____________________ :
* ____________________ passengers often exhibit a mix of behaviors , depending on the length of the journey and the time of day .
* Some passengers may engage in conversation with fellow travelers , while others prefer to keep to themselves .
* Seating availability may influence passenger behavior , with those seated often engaging in activities like reading or using electronic devices , while standing passengers may focus on maintaining their balance and positioning .

____________________ :
* ____________________ using ____________________ share systems or riding their own ____________________ often prioritize safety and efficiency while navigating city streets .
* They may follow traffic rules , signal their intentions to other road users , and maintain awareness of their surroundings to ensure a smooth and safe ride .
* Some ____________________ may use headphones or earbuds to listen to music while riding , while others prefer to enjoy the sounds of the city .

____________________ :
* ____________________ passengers typically engage in conversation with the driver to provide directions or engage in small talk .
* Passengers may also use the time in the ____________________ to make phone calls , respond to messages , or plan their upcoming activities .
* Like other modes of transportation , passengers generally exhibit courtesy and respect towards the driver and fellow passengers , if sharing a ride .