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1. Patricians
This Tthe Tgovernment Tthe Tthat Tthe Tpower Tclass Tis Tof Tof Tupper Tholds Tall Twealthy. T
2. Checks and Balances
power Tidea Tcreated Tor Twas Tany Tone Tabusing Truler Tgroup TThis Tfrom Ttheir Tprevent Tto. T
3. Tribunes
wrote Tunfair TSenate Trepresentatives TPlebeians Tvoted.
T Tlaws TThey Tand Tfrom Ton Tthe Tvetoed TThese Tthe Tlaws Twere Tand Tfrom. T
4. Twelve Tables
The Twere Tthat Tbe Tfirst Tand Tcould TThe Twritten TRome Twritten Tso Tthe Tand Tknew Tlaw Tdisplayed Tthey TTables.
T TTwelve Tnot Tchanged TPlebeians Tlaws Tin. T
5. Patricians vs. Plebeians
allowed Pgovernment Pand Ppower Pafter PPatricians Pthey Pthe Pin Pprotested Pthe Psome Prebelled PPlebeians. P
6. Plebeians
the Tmajority Twere Tcommoners Tsoldiers Twas Tcraftsmen Tlaborers Tthat Tthey Tfarmers Tthe TThis Tof, T Tand, T Tand, T Twere Tpopulation. T
7. Checks and Balances Example
could Tlaws Tthe TTribunes Tveto TThe Tfrom TSenate. T
8. Republic
run Athe Agovernment Aof Atype AA Arepresentatives Aby Acitizens Aelected Aby. A
9. Benefits of the Tiber River
Tiber Ttransporttaion Twater Tprovided TThe Tand, T Thelp, T Tto Tfresh Tgrow TRiver TRome Teconomically Ttrade. T