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Hi ! I'm Emma , and this is what I will probably do on my next vacation .

In the morning , I ____________________ wake up early . I ____________________ stay in bed for too long because I have a busy schedule . First , I ____________________ have a quick breakfast - maybe toast and jam . After that , I ____________________ go to work . I work in an office , and I enjoy it a lot . I ____________________ meet my colleagues , and we ____________________ work together on different projects .

At lunchtime , I ____________________ eat at my desk . I ____________________ go to a nearby café to grab a sandwich and maybe a coffee . In the afternoon , I ____________________ have meetings and answer emails .

In the evening , I ____________________ cook ; instead , I ____________________ order some food . I ____________________ watch TV for too long because I prefer reading . Before going to bed , I ____________________ read a chapter of my favorite book .

That's a typical day for me - simple , but I like it !