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1. What is Kathy doing?
not Kis Kthe Kbaking Kcake Ka Kkitchen Kin KKathy. K K
2. What are Jane and Mark Doing?
Jane Jguitar Jbedroom Jare Jin JMark Jthe Jthe Jand Jplaying. J J
3. What is Ernest doing?
river Eswimming Eis Enot Ein EErnest Ethe. E E
4. What are the girls doing?
breakfast Tnot Tthe Teating Tare TThe Tin Tkitchen Tgirls. T T
5. What is the cat doing?
my Tis TThe Tcat Tsleeping Tnot Ton Tbed. T T
6. What are my grandparents doing?
room Mgrandparents Min Mdancing MMy Mthe Mliving Mare. M M
7. What is Simon doing?
is Sin Sthe Scooking Skitchen Sbread Sa SSimon. S S
8. What are you doing?
the Imagazine Isofa Iin II Ia Iam Ireading Inot. I I
9. What is Nick doing?
Nick Nriding Nin Nbike Nthe Nstreet Nhis Nis. N N
10. What is Melissa doing?
is Mpark Mthe Mrunning MMelissa Min Mnot. M M