What were Victoria and Amy planning?
Why does Amy doubt that Victoria is telling the truth?
Why did they meet at a café a few days ago?
When was it supposed to happen?
Why couldn’t she go?
According to Amy, what does Victoria’s excuse show?
she had too much work this year
next month
because she saw a picture of Victoria and her boyfriend at a resort last week
how irresponsible and illogical Victoria is
a big trip
to finalize their plans
What does Victoria think is the reason for Amy’s behavior?
What did Victoria try to explain to Amy?
Why can’t she take ten days off next month?
What did Victoria have to do when she met her boyfriend at a resort last week?
What is Victoria worried about?
work there for the whole day
Amy could think that Victoria wasn’t making enough of an effort to spend time with her.
how busy she is at work
She’s worried that Amy might have thought Victoria didn’t care about their friendship.
because she’s got two projects going on at work