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According to the text , SBA stand for ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
The SBA design presented here is intended to accommodate changes in the
world of ____________________
____________________ tests Cannot identify how a child ? s vocabulary knowledge compares to that of their peers .  
A word ? s meaning depends on the context in which it is found . This is called ____________________ .
SBA is most useful in an ____________________ learning environment .
Teachers play an essential role in learning by being an information
center for students and guiding students to develop their abilities and skills ,
including reading ____________________ .
Students are said to have comprehension reading skills if they
understand the meaning of ____________________ according to the use of text .
Students with difficulty in reading comprehension will be left behind in the academic aspect , making it difficult to get into the next level of ____________________ .
As a reader retrieves a word ? s phonology ( in the process of word reading ) , the reader will also activate the word ? s ____________________
Many researchers have reported that for children
with ____________________ ____________________ , phonological learning is likely
to be especially difficul t