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In the world of the animals , there was a very arrogant hare because she said to everyone she was the fastest . That's why she was always ( laugh ) ____________________ at the slow turtle .

- Look at the turtle ! Hey turtle , don't run so much that you're ( go ) ____________________ to get tired of ( go ) ____________________ so fast ! - The hare used to say ( laugh ) ____________________ at the turtle .

One day , they were ( talk ) ____________________ and it occurred to the turtle to make a strange bet with the hare .

- I'm sure I can win you a race - she said .

- To me ? - asked the hare astonished .

- Yes , to you . Let's put our bet on that stone and let's see who wins the race .

The hare , very amused , accepted . All the animals met to watch the race . The road and the ( finish ) ____________________ line were marked . Once it was ready , the race started among big applauses .

( Realy ) ____________________ on her speed , the hare left the turtle go and she remained ( lazy ) ____________________ about . She had time enough to win such a slow creature !

Then she start ( run ) ____________________ , she run fast as the wind while the turtle went slow but without ( stop ) stopping . At once she went ahead . She stopped next to the road and she sat to rest .

When the turtle passed by her side , the hare made fun of her once more . She left her advantage and set out her quick walk . She did the same several times but , in spite of her mocks , the turtle kept her way until she arrived to the ( finish ) ____________________ line . When the hare woke up , she ran with all her might but it was too late , the turtle had won the race .

That day was very sad for the hare and she learnt a lesson she would never forget : you must never mock of the others .