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My sister takes the ____________________ to school every day .
To go to work , I usually drive my ____________________ .
In Europe , it's common to travel by ____________________ from one city to another .
During the summer , I enjoy riding my ____________________ through the countryside .
In big cities like New York or London , the ____________________ is a widely used mode of transport .
When I arrive at the airport , I usually take a ____________________ to get to the hotel .
The ____________________ carries goods from one place to another on the road .
Many people prefer to drive a ____________________ to transport equipment or travel .
When we visit the coast , we rent a ____________________ to sail .
For traveling long distances in a short time , I prefer to take an ____________________ .
Sometimes , in mountainous areas , rescuers use a ____________________ to save people in danger .
When there is a fire , firefighters arrive in a ____________________ ____________________ to put it out .
During our vacation on the island , we took a tour on a ____________________ to see the nearby sea locations .