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1 Abbasid Caliph who had an alliance with Charlemagne. (p.227)
2 The kings of the Germanic tribe of the Franks were known as the _______. (p.230-1)
3 On Christmas day, 800 AD, he was crowned by the pope in Rome as "Holy Roman Emperor." (p.240)
4 Irish monk/missionary who founded monasteries among the Germanic tribe of the Franks in Northern Europe. (p.233)
5 Eastern Roman Emperor ca 550 AD who tried to reunify the Roman Empire and left an important legacy in his "Code of Roman Law." (p.214-5)
6 The Roman Empire that survived in the East after the West (Italy, France, Spain, North Africa) fell in 410 AD was also called the _____ Empire. (p.215)
7 This ship used as a burial tomb is the most complete piece of archaeological evidence for understanding medieval naval technology. (2 words, p.230)
8 After the fall of Rome ca 410 AD, this Germanic tribe came to control Spain. (p.213)
9 Constantinople (Eastern Roman capitol) was saved from an attack by Islamic naval and land forces in 717 AD. (2 words, pp.215-6)
10 By 568 AD, this Germanic tribe controlled Northern Italy. (p.213)
11 The region of France that the Viking tribes from Scandinavia conquered and lived in ca 800-1000 AD. (p.241)
12 Gregory the Great supported monasteries that followed the Rule (of discipline) of this famous Christian monk and thinker. (p.235)
13 The Eastern Empire emperor, Justinian tried to recapture the West again. He established a lavish capitol in this North Western town in Italy. (p.214)
14 With the fall of Rome in 410 AD, the last of these were removed from Britain. (p.231)
15 Ca 600 AD, Pope Gregory the Great sent missionaries to convert the Germanic tribes of ________. (p.234-5)
16 The Abbasid Caliphs shifted their capitol to this city. (p.225)
17 The non-Indo-European tribe that conquered and settled (ca 900 AD) into what is now Hungary. (p.242)
18 After the fall of Rome ca 410 AD, this Germanic tribe moved on to control North Africa (p.213)
19 The Umayyad Caliphs of Spain built a library of over 400,000 books including Greek and Roman classics, in this important capitol city.
20 He saved a small section of Britain from Viking raids ca 875 AD, founded towns, fostered learning in the local Anglo-Saxon language and codified English law. Britain today looks back upon him as a founding father of their nation. (p.242-3)
21 Ca 500 AD, he is the first king of the tribe of the Franks. (p.230)
22 The most important product that the Franks received from the Persian Muslims during the Early Middle Ages (500-1000 AD, p.227)
23 Charlemagne made this learned monk from Britain the leading intellectual in charge of scholarship and learning in Charlemagne's royal court. (p.239-40)
24 Charlemagne executed thousands of these Germanic peoples living East of the Rhine because they refused to stop worshiping their pagan Gods and be baptized into Christianity. (p.238-9)
25 This city in Muslim Spain during the Middle Ages became famous for its high quality production of swords. (p.226)
26 The Christian monasteries in Northern Europe developed a new plow to be able to till the thick rocky soil of the region. What was its key new quality? (p.232)
27 Gregory the Great introduced this form of music into the worship of the Christian churches. (p.232)
28 The pope's emissary, Saint Boniface, made anointed him "king of the Franks" ca 750 AD. (p.237)
29 The Great Christian monastery (ca 550 AD) on this island off the coast of Scotland was instrumental in bringing Christianity and Classical Greek and Rome culture to Britain and then to Northern Europe. (p.232)
30 The Franks drove back the forces of Islam (from Spain) in this important battle ca 733. (p.236)