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Once upon a time , Alex decided to make a ____________________ by starting a green technology business . Alex was good at making friends , which helped in getting the idea off the ground . To start , Alex made a list and made a phone ____________________ to a friend , Jamie , to suggest working together . They made an ____________________ to come up with a good plan that would not only make ____________________ but also be good for the planet .

They needed to make ____________________ their idea would impress investors , so they did their homework and made a presentation . After working hard and drinking lots of tea , they were ready . At the investor meeting , Alex made a ____________________ that was so good it convinced the investors to take a ____________________ on their project .
As the work began , Alex made ____________________ for regular team meetings to keep everything on track . They made sure to celebrate small successes and take a ____________________ when needed . Their hard work slowly started to pay off , making a ____________________ and showing how business can be done in a way that's good for the environment .

Alex and Jamie made some ____________________ along the way , but they always learned from them . They made a big ____________________ in renewable energy , making their business a success and making a positive ____________________ on the world . They even made ____________________ to help other young entrepreneurs .

In the end , Alex and Jamie didn't just make a living ; they made a fortune and made the ____________________ a better place . Their story shows that with determination , you can make a difference and be successful in business .