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Charlie and his cousin , Mark , are two different but very interesting people . Charlie ____________________ more ____________________ than Mark . He always thinks a lot ____________________ doing something . Mark , on the other hand , is ____________________ confident . He ____________________ to talk to many people and make ____________________ friends .

At school , Charlie works ____________________ than Mark . He studies a lot for exams . Mark is a bit lazier , but he is ____________________ and can find solutions to problems ____________________ .

Charlie is more generous ____________________ Mark . He always helps others and shares what he has . Mark , sometimes , is more ____________________ and thinks more about himself .

When it comes to ____________________ , some people think that Charlie is more ____________________ than Mark . Although Mark is not as handsome as Charlie , he has a more ____________________ and unique style .

In summary , Charlie and Mark are ____________________ but complement each other . Charlie is ____________________ careful and works harder , while Mark is ____________________ confident and has a unique style . They are a good match !