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About ____________________ years ago , human beigns began to make ____________________ objects . The first metal they used was ____________________ , but it was not very ____________________ . Later , they used ____________________ and ____________________ to make tools , weapons and ____________________ . There were three important inventions :
- The ____________________ , which greatly improved ____________________ .
- The ____________________ , which meant than ____________________ could be bigger because they used the force of the wind .
- The ____________________ , which made working the ____________________ easier and faster .
The use of metal objects was a sign of great ____________________ , and caused many ____________________ . The search of metals to make tools created new ____________________ ____________________ . Trade produced ____________________ , and villages turned into ____________________ . New professions , such as ____________________ , craftspeople , priest and ____________________ appeared . Wealth was divided ____________________ , and ____________________ ____________________ were created .