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1 The alliance between Athens and other Greek city-states formed after the Persian Wars to drive the Persians out of the Greek Islands and Greek colonies in Asia Minor. (p.96, 2 words)
2 He persuaded the Athenians to use the money from a new silver mine to build a large fleet of warships called "triremes." (p.95)
3 The tyrant who seized power around 550 BC and, ironically, implemented Athens' delayed program of democratic reforms. (p.88-9)
4 The leader of commoners who reconfigured the districts and introduced the practice of ostracism in Athens. (p.89)
5 Greek who wrote the History of the Peloponnesian Wars (the war of Athens and its allies against Sparta and its allies. (p.98)
6 The Greek sophist who taught that all moral standards are relative, dependent on what each society believes. He said: "Man is the measure of all things." (p. 106)
7 Handsome young aristocrat who persuaded Athens during the Peloponnesian War to open up a new theater of war in the West (in Sicily) that ended in disaster. (p.102)
8 Pre-Socratic philosopher from the Greek colony of Croton in Southern Italy who taught that the basis of the universe was a system of ideal relations or proportions (like a code) rather than any material elements like water, air, fire or atoms. (p.105-6)
9 "If oxen could pray, they would pray to gods who looked like oxen." (p.92)
10 Free people of Sparta who conducted trade and commerce but were denied citizenship. (p.91)
11 He wrote a play called "The Persians" that told the story of the Athenians' great naval victory over the Persians (that turned the tide of war) from the perspective of the defeated Persians. (p.97)
12 The city council of aristocrats that held all political power in Athens before became a democracy. (p.87)
13 He led the Athenians in their victory against the vastly larger amphibious force of the Persians in 490 BC. (p.94)
14 The first person to write a history of recent events. Also known as "the father of history." (p.93)
15 The form of government favored by Sparta in which the power to rule was placed in the hands of "the few." Sparta tried to stabilize other Greek city-states by forcing them to adopt this system. (p.89)
16 "The unexamined life is not worth living." (p.107)
17 The council of 28 elders who ruled ancient Sparta. (p.90)
18 He led Athens during its Golden Age of Democracy (after the Persian Wars) and built the Parthenon. (p.96-7)
19 The Greek citizen-soldiers who donned heavy armor and fought together as a single weapon. (p.83)
20 The naval battle where the Athenians destroyed most of the vast Persian fleet. (p.96)
21 She composed erotic love poetry in the new lyric style from her home on the Greek island of Lesbos. (p.86)
22 Pericles enfranchised (got them the right to vote in the assembly) this poorest free class of Athenians. (p.97)
23 The 5 annually elected Spartans responsible for guarding the traditions of the city. They could even remove a Spartan king. (p.90)
24 Greek word for someone's failure to recognize the limits of his/her knowledge and abilities. (p.77)
25 The social class of 89)slaves that worked the farmland for ancient Sparta. (p.89)
26 The Athenian assembly had all the adult males executed and the women and children sold into slavery on this small Greek island that refused to give up its historic neutrality and fight on the Athenian side in the Peloponnesian War. (p.102)
27 This inland region of Asia Minor (modern Turkey) invented the use of precious metal coinage. (p.92)
28 The political reformer who first turned Athens toward democracy by cancelling debts, making political offices depend on wealth rather than birth, and giving an assembly of citizens the power annually to elect the nine rulers called "archons." (p.88)
29 The Greeks settled in colonies on the west coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey). What is the name of this coastal strip of Greek colonies. (p.92)
30 The sloping hillside above the Athenian agora (marketplace) where the citizens regularly met to conduct all the political business of Athens. (p.88)