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It´s a very good place . It´s ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ in the city .
2 It was a very happy day . It was ____________________ ____________________ day of my life .
Elena is a very intelligent student . She is ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ student in the class .
It is a very cheap restaurant . It is the ____________________ restaurant in ____________________ tow n
Jhon is a very rich man . He´s ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ men in the world .
The UV is a very famous university . Its ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ universities in the state .
Our hotel was ____________________ than all the others in the town .
Sara wasn´t feeling well yesterday , but she feels a bit ____________________ today .
Everest is ____________________ ____________________ mountain in the world . It is ____________________ than any other mountain .