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Complete the following conversations with the missing verbs .

Conversation 1
Nicky : ____________________ you ____________________ science fiction movies ?
Sam : No , I ____________________ . I ____________________ sci - fi movies .

Conversation 2
Andy : ____________________ Jake and Lisa ____________________ soap operas ?
Louis : I think Jake does , but Lisa ____________________ them .

Conversation 3
Pam : What kind of music ____________________ Noriko and Ethan ____________________ ?
Jules : They love classical music . Noriko ____________________ ____________________ Yo - Yo Ma . Ethan ____________________ Mozart .

Conversation 4
Lee : I have tickets for a concert . ____________________ you ____________________ country music ?
Emy : Yes , I ____________________ it a lot !

Conversation 5
Milan : ____________________ your parents ____________________ dancing ?
Lauren : Yes , they do . They ____________________ dancing cumbia and salsa very much .