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Last year's overall sales figures ____________________ excellent for Nielsen Electronics . In January , they ____________________ the RU20 CD player and sales ____________________ up from 2000 to 2500 the next month . In March , sales ____________________ 3500 .
Sales then ____________________ at the same level through the next quarter , but they ____________________ to go up in July and August , when they ____________________ to 4000 .
Nielsen ____________________ to launch their digital camcorder , the DCC - N300 , in September , but production problems ____________________ the introduction of this new model . So Nielsen ____________________ it at the end of October . Overall sales ____________________ down after August and at the end of October they ____________________ at 3500 .
However , the CDD - N300 ____________________ very popular and the overall volume of sales ____________________ until the end of the year , when it ____________________ 4500 .