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TOM : This is a great film . Have you seen it yet ?
DYLAN : Persey Jackson : Sea of monsters ? Yes , I thought it was ____________________ .
TOM : Really ? Why ?
DYLAN : Well , the special effects were ____________________ and the acting was ____________________ .
TOM : But the plot was ____________________ and the ending was great .
TOM : You like action films , Tara . What did you think of it ?
TARA : I agree with you , Tom . It was really ____________________ .
TOM : See , Tara knows about films .
TARA : But , actually I preferred the book . I've read all the books in the series . They were ____________________ ! Really great !
DYLAN : I think , Tara's right . I've read two of the books . They were really ____________________ .
TOM : I haven't read any of the books . Can I borrow one , Tara ?
TARA : Sure . Hey ! Look at the time ! We're going to miss EASTENDERS on TV . Let's go !
TOM : Oh , no ! Soap operas are ____________________ !