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I'll always remember the time we were struck by lightning when we ____________________ ( fly ) back from Singapore . We ____________________ ( be ) in the air for about an hour , and the plane ____________________ ( move ) up and down quite a lot . Outside you ____________________ ( can ) see flashes of lightning across the sky and dark clouds . Suddenly there ____________________ ( be ) a loud bang . At first a few people ____________________ ( start ) screaming . But then the whole plane ____________________ ( become ) strangely quiet . The pilot ____________________ ( speak ) to tell us we were about to land , which was a great relief to everyone . But just as we ____________________ ( land ) , the whole plane ____________________ ( start ) shaking violently again . In the end we ____________________ ( land ) safely . When we ____________________ ( get off ) the plane , we ____________________ ( see ) that there ____________________ ( be ) an enormous hole in the tail fin .