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They couldn't afford to pay the ____________________ on time this month .
She called the plumber to ____________________ the leaky faucet in the kitchen .
The storage room in the ____________________ of the building was damaged in the floor .
He parked his car in the ____________________ to keep it safe from the hail .
The ____________________ raised the rent for the apartment building .
The ____________________ devoted her life to serving God and her community .
The paint was ____________________ off the walls in the abandoned house .
She used the ____________________ to sweep the kitchen floor .
She went to the ____________________ to wash her clothes because her washing machine was broken .
The kids set up a lemonade stand on the ____________________ .
The plumber fixed the leaky ____________________ under the sink .
The water stain on the ____________________ indicated a leak in the roof .
The thieves attempted to ____________________ the bank , but they were caught by the police .
They lived in a beautiful ____________________ in the heart of the city .
His face was ____________________ after he had his tonsils out .
The walls of the old building were ____________________ from years of damage .
He ____________________ the wooden boards together to build a new bookshelf .
They had to find a ____________________ place to stay after the tornado hit their house .