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Explain two strategies that were used by the British to influence American opinion.

What was the initial position of the USA towards the European War?

Which alliance did most Americans support and why?

Why did American Business companies and American Banks support the Allies?

What did many American military leaders stand for?

What did the Women’s Peace Party stand for?

Why did the Sinking of the British passenger ship Lusitania cause a crisis between Germany and the USA?

Explain the public debate about the war during the two years that the USA remained Neutral.

Why were the German U-boats deployed to stop American ships?

They stood for keeping America out of the war by urging the president not to build up a military

Because it killed 1, 200 passengers including 128 Americans and it was considered a terrorist attack on civilians, including women and children.

American military leaders also backed the British.They believed that an Allied Victory was the only way to preserve the international balance of power

They favored the Allies cause valued the British heritage, language, and political ideals, and their links with France cause Revolutionary War

Debate arose on US war preparation. "Preparedness" backers believed readiness prevented conflict involvement.

British officials used propaganda to influence opinion and cut the transatlantic telegraph cable to make war news available only by British reports

Because American merchant ships brought food, equipment, and other supplies to Britain and France

The USA declared neutral in the conflict. Wilson declared “We must be impartial in thought as well as in action”

East Coast firms traded with Allies. American banks loaned over $2 billion to Allies, compared to $27 million to Germany.