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Organized Religion

Well Organized Government

Stable Food Supply

Creation of Cities

Job Specialization

Advanced Technology

Social Structure

Created because people didn’t move around as much, so the population grew. It resulted in big changes in how people lived together.

because fewer people were needed to produce a food surplus, more people were able to work in other jobs

Helped to control people’s behaviors and provide a way to manage a large population. Leadership in this was often passed on to a family member.

New inventions, typically tools or ideas, used for practical purposes.

a system of beliefs and forms of worship. It provides a way for people to connect to each other and an element of control over behaviors.

allowed people to communicate ideas, pass on knowledge, and record trade or transactions.

Some people having higher status than others, sometimes based on the type of job they performed for the community.

Enough food produced to ensure that everyone in the community could survive.