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1. Reconstruction Amendments
2. Freedmen's Bureau
3. Bourbon Triumvirate
4. Civil Rights Leaders
5. Segregation

Created Schools

Henry Grady was the spokesman for the South and the group

Jim Crow - laws creating separate but equal facilities and

KKK- Terrorist organization whose mission was to terrorize and prevent African Americans from voteing

Provided Meals and Food

15th - Right to vote for African American Men


Wanted to move from agriculture to industry

Black Codes - First stage of Jim Crow Laws designed to restrict the African Americans Right to vote

Plessy vs. Ferguson - Separate but equal

Helped Free Slaves

13th - Abolished Slavery

Disenfranchisement - preventing the right to vote

Booker T. Washington

W.E.B. Dubois

14th - Equal rights for all people


John and Lugina Hope

Supported the transition from slavery to freedom
