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- When you answer the phone , it's important to ____________________ the caller with a friendly and professional tone .
- It's considered ____________________ to interrupt someone while they are speaking .
- The ____________________ on the line is inquiring about your product offerings .
- If you need to speak with someone in another department , you may have to dial their ____________________ .
- Can you please ____________________ for a moment while I check the availability ?
- You can ____________________ an order by contacting our sales department .
- If you have a ____________________ , please let us know , and we will address it promptly .
- Always remember to use ____________________ language , even in challenging situations or conversations .
- Understanding workplace ____________________ is crucial for maintaining a positive and professional environment .
- The ____________________ of the message should acknowledge understanding by confirming the details .
- I'll ____________________ your call to the sales department for further assistance .
- Please provide a ____________________ number so we can reach you with the information you requested .
- You can ____________________ a copy of the company's brochure for more information .
- The ____________________ for the services will be sent to you by the end of the month .
- If you're interested in joining our team , you can ____________________ for the open position online .
- When assisting a customer , make sure to ____________________ clear and accurate information .
- If the line is busy , you can leave a ____________________ with your contact details .
- I'll ____________________ through your call to the customer service desk .
- Could you ____________________ her to send me the invoice ?
- If you have any questions or concerns , feel free to ____________________ our support team .
- With ____________________ to your inquiry , we will get back to you as soon as possible .
- I'm currently ____________________ to assist you with any questions or concerns .
- Could you ____________________ I'll call her back this afternoon ?