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1 . a ____________________ brilliant ! an excellent piece of work
2 . ____________________ makes you sick of watching
3 . ____________________ keeps you at the edge of your seat wondering ? what next ?
4 . ____________________ boring and uninteresting , nothing cheerful or colourful
5 . ____________________ very moving , takes complete hold of you emotionally
6 . ____________________ shows fighting and death , bloody scenes etc .
7 . ____________________ terribly sad and disturbing , ( usually because of an unexpected death )
8 . ____________________ - ____________________ exciting and full of special effects ( as in fantasy )
9 . ____________________ very , funny ( makes you want to laugh and laugh )
10 . ____________________ a grand historical or legendary story showing great heroes
11 . ____________________ - ____________________ very scary , creepy , makes you go cold with fear
12 . ____________________ - ____________________ full of action , adventure and very entertaining
13 . ____________________ not what you expected ( in a sort of negative way )
14 . ____________________ not funny but thoughtful , doesn't make you laugh , very focussed on somethin g