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Complete the conversations with the - ing form of the verbs from the list .
be - leave - quit - start - work

1 A Are you serious about ____________________ your job ?
B Yes , I'm really fed up with ____________________ there .
A Gosh . That'll be your fifth job in two years , since ____________________ university .

2 A I'm sorry for ____________________ late .
B Oh , don't worry . There was a delay in ____________________ the meeting , anyway .
Complete the suggestions about having a party with the infinitive of the verbs in the list .
drink - eat - have ( x3 ) - invite - warn

1 The most important thing is ____________________ music you can dance to .

2 It's a good idea ____________________ a bit of food , so that people have got something ____________________ if they're hungry .

3 Make sure that there is plenty ____________________ . You don't want to run out of drinks .

4 It's better not ____________________ too many people . And it's always sensible ____________________ an equal number of males and females if possible !

5 It's a good idea ____________________ the neighbours . You don't want them complaining about the noise .