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1. Verbs - Action Words
2. Adjectives - describing words
3. Nouns - types of people
4. noun - places
5. Noun - Things

pipes - a long, hallow cylinder used to transport water or gas

basement - a room or area built underground

fix - to repair or make something work properly

curb - the raised edge of a sidewalk or road

landlord - a person who rents a living space to others

rent - a payment made for a place to live

nailed - firmly fixed in place with nails or other fasteners

swollen - enlarged or expanded due to pressure or moisture

peeling - coming off in thin pieces or strips

laundromat - a self-service facility where people can wash and dry clothes

garage - a building or indoor space used for parking or storing vehicles

temporary - lasting for only a limited period; not permenent

ceiling - the upper interior surface of a room

rob - to steal

nun - a woman who is a member of a religious community

crumbling - breaking or falling apart into small pieces