Créer une activité
Jouer Compléter
____________________ - acceso
____________________ - exacto
____________________ - auditorio
____________________ - bebida
____________________ - presupuesto
____________________ ____________________ - comida de buffet
____________________ - con servicio de catering
____________________ - congreso , convención
____________________ - detalle
____________________ - exposición , expositor
event - acto , evento
____________________ - exposición
____________________ ____________________ - con antelación
____________________ ____________________ - puntero láser
____________________ - inolvidable , memorable
____________________ - menú
____________________ - podio
____________________ - proporcionar , proveer
____________________ - inscripción
____________________ ____________________ - colocar , montar
____________________ - éxito
____________________ ____________________ ____________________ - encargarse / ocuparse de ; organizar
____________________ - lugar de evento s
Ensure everyone has ____________________ to the online platform before the virtual conference begins .
The elegant ____________________ was chosen to host the corporate gala and awards ceremony .
Create a ____________________ experience for attendees with engaging speakers and interactive sessions .
The speaker walked up to the stage and stood on the ____________________ .
Helen ____________________ ____________________ the chairs in a semi - circle .
There was a beautiful ____________________ at the market showing the latest products of the company .
The ____________________ for the Republican party attracted thousands of supporters .
The company will ____________________ all the necessary materials for the training session .
The charity ____________________ aims to raise funds for local community initiatives .
The event will be ____________________ by a renowned culinary team to ensure a delightful dining experience . We will have a variety of ____________________ options available during the break , and a variety of food at the ____________________ ____________________ . The dietary restrictions of the attendees will be considered in the ____________________ .
Please complete the online ____________________ to secure your spot at the conference .

Artists from around the world will participate in the international art ____________________ .
The report provides ____________________ information about the financial problems of the company .
Please submit your presentation slides ____________________ ____________________ so that the CEO can review them .
Please stay within the established ____________________ when planning for the upcoming project .
Pay attention to every ____________________ to ensure the success of the event .
The keynote address will take place in the spacious ____________________ on the second floor .
The launch of the new product was a tremendous ____________________ , exceeding all expectations .
The presenter used a ____________________ ____________________ to highlight key points during the lecture .
Phil will ____________________ ____________________ of the travel arrangements for the business trip .