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? Healthy habit number 3

Poor sleep ____________________ can affect our ____________________ and learning . It can also ____________________ traffic accidents ! Studies show that people who do not get ____________________ sleep seem to get in more ____________________ . So stay safe and sleep ! Experts ____________________ getting at least seven hours of sleep a night .

Healthy habit number 4


Spending time with other people can also ____________________ help . David Jenkins is a doctor . He says that being social like this can be very ____________________ to our health . Social groups can ____________________ support . They might ____________________ church or religious groups , sport teams , art or music groups . The people in the group can ____________________ advice . They can help each other in ____________________ times . And they give
members a sense of ____________________ in the community . Also , being involved in a group ____________________ your mind busy . An active mind is a ____________________ mind !