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Ask Lolita , our love expert
Your relationship questions answered online .

Long - distance Love

Dear Lolita
My girlfriend and I are very much in love , but we live at opposite ends of the country , so we ____________________ much of each other . I know it's easy these days to have a long - distance relationship because it ____________________ Skype or Facetime , but it's not the same as giving her a hug . We usually ____________________ each other about once a month and I'm a teacher , so at least we ____________________ in the school holidays . I know I ____________________ cope , but I'm finding it difficult .
Please help !

James , Exeter

Dear James
You ____________________ so hard on yourself . You're ____________________ upset in a situation like this . Anyone would ! But , if your love is strong , it ____________________ . Look for solutions . You're a teacher , so surely you ____________________ a job in another school near to your girlfriend . I think you ____________________ to do something practical , so the two of you can be together .

Love Lolit a
Holiday Dilemma

Dear Lolita
I expect you ____________________ that my problem is really silly , but I'm so worried that I ____________________ . You see , I'm going on holiday with my boyfriend for the first time , and I don't know what to do . I earn much more than him , and I know he ____________________ with paying his way for our outings and restaurant meals . Do you think I ____________________ on paying most of the bills , or ____________________ them with him ? He ____________________ a huge student loan , and I don't want him to get even more in debt - but I also don't want to damage his pride . Any suggestions ?

Josie , Sheffield

Dear Josie
You are a very thoughtful young woman , and I totally understand your dilemma . I think you ____________________ your boyfriend pay for a few of the meals , but not all of them . That way he retains his self - respect . Relationships are always changing , and there ____________________ a time when the roles reverse and he ____________________ you . Anyway , in this day and age , any intelligent and confident man ____________________ any issues with his partner earning more than him .

Love Lolit a