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Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)

Light weight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Simple Network Management Protocol Trap (SNMPT)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Domain Name System (DNS)

NETBIOS session service


Simple Network Management Protocol Queury (SNMPQ)

Secure Shell (SSH)

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDO)

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP)


Telecummunication Network (TELNET)

NetBIOS name service

Server Message Block (SMB)

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Web Server Communication

Transfer email between email servers

Convert domainnames to IP addresses

Windows file transfers and printer sharing

Sends and receives files betweensystems

a newer email client protocol

Insecure console access

Receive email into a email client

windows connetion-orientated data transfer

Encrypted console access

graphical display of remote devices

Automate the IP address configuration process

Register, remove, and find Windows services by name

Web server communication with encryption

directory services

Gather metrics and amanage network devices

Recive alerts from network devices