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1 Specially screened battalions of SS that swept through towns and villages killing over a half million men labelled "undesirable" men and slaughtering or deporting women and children to labor camps before the gas chambers started operating. (p.892)
2 This territory seperated East Prussia from the rest of Germany and denied Germany access to the cold-water port of Danzig.(2 words, p.881)
3 The Four-Power Conference in Munich in 1938 bargained away a major slice of this successful democratic and industrial nation that had been created after WW1. (p.879
4 A nice-sounding but empty agreement by European nations in 1929 to make war an international crime. (2-words, p.875)
5 The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, left most of the US Navy untouched destroying primarily this type of vessel. (p.885)
6 The region formerly known as "Czechoslovakia" with a large German-speaking population that became surrounded when Germany annexed Austria in 1938. (p.879)
7 The British Prime Minister famous for his failed attempts to avoid war by appeasing (look this word up if you do not know what it means) Hitler in the late 1930's. (p.879)
8 The Germans tossed out their non-aggression agreement and attacked Russia. (p.887)
9 US Marines and soldiers that could not hold this strategic Pacific island were forced into guerrilla fighting and marches to Japanese labor camps. (p.887)
10 Like they did over a century earlier with Napoleon, the Russians used their terrible winter weather to defeat the Germans (turning the tide on the Eastern Front) in this battle. (p.904)
11 In 1931 Japan began its war with China by invading this country. (p.877)
12 After gaining control of the air and sea, Britain turned the tide of the war in Africa with a victory at _____ in 1942. (2 words, p.885)
13 In 1936, Germany reoccupied their former industrial territory in ____. (p.879)
14 The US gave massive amounts of aid and weapons to Britain for free early in the war through a program called _______ (2-words, p.883)
16 Hitler's first conquest of non-German speaking territory in March of 1939. (p.881)
17 In the "Battle of Britain" (1940-41), Hitler made a strategic error by shifting his bomber raids onto __________ targets. (p.883)
18 This country angered its German occupying force with acts of "passive resistance" and was the best at protecting its Jewish citizens. (p.888)
19 In 1940, the German army entered France via this country. (p.p.882)
20 In its wars of expansion in the 1930's, Japan began directly targeting civilian centers. In 1937, the Japanese slaughtered over 200,000 Chinese citizens in this city. (p.877)
21 Russia barely conquered this country in the "Winter War" of 1940. (p.882)
22 In June 1940, the Royal Navy impounding every small civilian craft around evacuated 300,000 troops from this port before the German Air Force and Army could destroy them. (p.882)
23 The Nazis wiped off the face of the earth, this large Jewish neighbor (of 400,000 at its height) that was the scene of this single largest armed Jewish resistance (perhaps 1,000 fighters). (p.901)
24 After the Spanish civil war in 1939, this fascist dictator sent 1 million of his political opponents into prisons or concentration camps. (p.878)
25 "Work, family and country" was the slogan of the conservative French government that collaborated with the Nazis during WW2. (p.883)
26 In 1935, this Western nation returned to Ethiopia with bombers, tanks and poison gas in order to avenge its humiliating defeat back in 1896. (p.878)
27 His army of communist guerrillas fought Germans, Italians and Croat fascists. It was militarily the most significant resistance force in WW2. (p.890)
28 The obscure Indian officer who turned out to be Britain's best strategist by driving the Japanese back out of British colonies. (p.887)
29 The Russians and British invaded and held this country from 1941-1946 so that Germany could not get to its oil reserves. (p.885)
30 With over 2 million soldiers, this was the largest battle ever fought. (p.904)