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1. Revelation
2. General Revelation/Natural Revelation
3. Special Revelation
4. Conversion
5. Mystical Experience
6. Charismatic Worship
7. Glossolalia
8. Meditation

Mystical Experience

General Revelation/Natural Revelation

Pentecost – the day when the Holy Spirit came to the disciples and flames appeared above their heads and they speak all languages

The Charismatic Movement where people feel close to God and worship in an uninhibited way (singing, dancing, clapping)

Form of Christian worship where people try to open themselves to the Holy Spirit and be inspired by it

Tony Blair – changed from Protestant to Catholic

A beautiful sunset reveals the beauty of God


Finding out a secret

William Paley, a clergyman who saw the complex design of the natural work as evidence for the existence of God

The Jesus Prayer – “Jesus, Son of God have mercy on me”

Saul to St Paul – A Jew who was converted by Jesus on the road to Damascus

Charismatic Worship

Visions/speaking to prophets

The Bible

Where people speak in tongues because the Holy Spirit moves through them


Feeding of the 5000 (miracle)

Emptying of the mind to fill it with God’s word through a short focused prayer




Where God takes the initiative and reveals his existence to an individual

Special Revelation